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Laura Farms

UMC takes great pride in sponsoring passionate communicators promoting the world of modern farming.  Laura Farms videos help share and educate viewers about farming and agriculture. We value her dedication to fostering awareness and understanding, and we are honored to support her important work.

Laura is a 22-year-old farmer who started making online content in 2020 when she started renting ground and farming. She farms in Nebraska with her husband, Grant: where they grow irrigated corn and soybeans. Her content is usually centered around the activities over the course of one day. She is positive and energetic, loves the outdoors, and is very active in her community. She also occasionally travels to film other people’s farming operations, tour facilities that relate in some way to agriculture, and share bits of her personal life and endeavors. She is proud and excited to be a dedicated and loyal partner with UMC, whose products she uses in her daily life on the farm.
Laura Farms Youtube